Saturday, September 19, 2009

The romance and "newness" of wetlab printing

Words and insight by a very wonderful friend of mine, Dominick Gheesling:


sometimes I can't help but give some thought to what my role is as a teacher...

afterall, how important is it to teach people how to make images and is there anything left unphotographed?

for the past few years, I have been certain that imparting the concept of individual responsibility is one of my most significant roles.

this morning I woke up back in the struggle between digital vs. traditional photography somehow...

I have about 125 students, most of high school age, per semester who are on fire for traditional photography, which is amazing enough as a statistic.

But why traditional, B&W photography. What's so special about it?

While drinking my first cup of coffee, I think I got a sense of what is so special about it...

I have watched all of these students over the past few weeks accomplish something that most of them believed to be impossible.

I mean impossible in the sense that you can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together is impossible. I still haven't accomplished this feat and am certain I will not believe myself capable of starting fire with just two sticks until the day I can actually perform this wonder of science and technology.

My students, this generation, they are not so impressed with digital photography because they know/believe that of course you can do anything with a computer but most of what they learn in the first few weeks of a traditional photography course seems well beyond the scope of reason or human capability...

And when they accomplish what has previously been believed the impossible, and create something through the use of their own two hands, they light up.

They have a new self-confidence, possibly a new understanding of what might actually be possible.

That's what I was thinking about while drinking coffee this morning.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Utah NGA Mountains of Man!

Images from recent shoot at the NGA Mountain States Bodybuilding competition. I was hired by Eric Litster to document his inclusion in the competition for posterity and research. Here are some of the photos I enjoyed

Friday, May 15, 2009

Four+ Brewing for SLUG

Some shots on Assignment for SLUG of Rob and James with 4+ brewing, part of the Uinta Brewing Co. Fun time, good guys, crazy rushed!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Intelligent Design, Park City

So, Park City Mountain Resort hosted the Intelligent Design Competition this past weekend and I was there shooting for SLUG magazine...enjoy. I got to meet some pretty cool people (Shaun White, too) and get some nice images. Will be going backcountry with Vinny and some of his crew for some Ski snow action shots soon, so check back.

Anyways, check out the work